The shortest way to arrive and leave is through Kalamata Airport (KLX), which is almost 1 hour driving (58 Km) to MANI SUITES.
Check all the available flights from/to Kalamata Airport on our world map, or read the list below with the available destinations and the relevant airlines, or or visit for the most updated information.
Getting here
MANI SUITES & MANI APARTMENTS are located in a small picturesque village called Agios Dimitrios in Messenian Mani, South Greece.
It is a 1-hour drive from Kalamata Airport and 2.5-hour drive from Athens International Airport.
Whether you plan on arriving by plane, ferry, private or rented car, there are several hassle-free ways to get to and from MANI SUITES.
Our multilingual reservations team is always available to help with travel planning, from booking a single night to multi-resort itineraries.
- Greece: Athens (Aegean Airlines), Thessaloniki (Astra airlines).
- UK: London (EasyJet, Germania, Thomas Cook), Manchester (Thomas Cook).
- Germany: Munich (Aegean Airlines), Dusseldorf (Aegean Airlines, Condor Airlines), Frankfurt (Condor Airlines), Stuttgart (Condor Airlines), Hamburg (easy jet).
- Austria: Vienna (Austrian Airlines,Niki).
- France: Paris (Aegean Airlines).
- Sweden: Stockholm, Gothenburg (Aegean Airlines).
- Italy: Milan (Ryanair).
- Norway: Oslo (Scandinavian Airlines).
- Netherlands: Amsterdam (Transavia).
- Russia: Moscow, Rostov-on-Don, Pulkovo, Saint Petersburg (Aegean Airlines).
- Ukrainian: Kiev (Aegean Airlines).
- Czech Republic: Prague (Travel Services).
- Slovakia: Bratislava (Travel Services).
- Poland: Katowice (Small planet), Wrocław (Enter air).
Also you can arrive and leave through Athens International Airport (ATH) and have the chance to enjoy the road from Athens to Mani, which is almost 3,5 hours driving (317 Km) to MANI SUITES. Athens International Airport connects Athens with the most places on earth, for more information about the flights, airlines etc please visit
Get the cheapest price for your flight from
Car rental
From Kalamata Airport, Athens International Airport or any other place of Greece you can hire a car or minivan on the best available prices. Please visit and search for your favourite car or minivan and arrange it to be delivered to the airport of your choice on the day of your arrival. Before your departure you can return the car to the same airport. “MyCar Rentals” was launched on February 2006 by Dionysia (Denia) Trigilida, a core member that established the much respected and well known Trigilidas Travel & Holidays. With a central branch in prestigious Kardamili, with its extremely competitive rates and excellent service, “MyCar Rentals” has quickly gained the respect and preference of tourists.
Taxi Hire
If you don’t want to drive your own vehicle, you can arrange a Taxi awaiting for you at the time of your arrival, on the airport you choose. The same Taxi can get you back to the airport on the day of your departure. Available also minivan Taxis for carrying more persons.
For more information please contact one of the following Taxi companies:
- Alexandros Kazanas: Mobile phone: +30 6977 776 543
- Giannis Fraggeas email: [email protected] Mobile phone: +30 6974 790 680
If you want to travel with your own vehicle, the best way to come is from Ancona Italy to Patra’s Port. Patra’s Port which is almost 4 hour driving (263 Km) to MANI SUITES, is the gateway of Greece to Europe and is one of the most modern ports in the Mediterranean, connected with regular service to the ports of Brindisi, Ancona, Venezia, Bari, Genova, Ravenna, Triesti, Bar, Salerno and Catania.
For more information please contact one of the following Ferry companies:
- Minoan Lines:
- Superfast Ferries: